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Women and the Ring in Ancient Korean and Chinese Literature 본고는 韓․中 고전문학 속에 보이는 여성 서사로서의
Why the public is captivated by anti-intellectualism? : anti-intellectualism from the perspective of persuasive communications 최근
Women and the Ring in Ancient Korean and Chinese Literature 본고는 韓ㆍ中 고전문학 속에 보이는 여성 서사로서의
Women and the Ring in Ancient Korean and Chinese Literature 본고는 韓․中 고전문학 속에 보이는 여성 서사로서의
Reconsideration of Anti-Intellectual’s Political Thought of Taoism - Focusing on the Debate between Confucianism and Taoism - 반지
(The)Mythic Structure of The Lord of the Rings and the Significance of the Ring as 'An Anti-Sacrament' 반지의 제왕은 세속적
“A Study on the Racial and Gender Discrimination in the Plays of Alice Childress, Florence and The Wedding Band.” 앨리스 칠드
戦後日本の「反知性主義」とマイノリティ : 梁政明と富村順一を中心に 이 글은 전후 일본의 마이너