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전문자료 검색결과 (6,095건) NAVER OpenAPI

An Analysis of ‘Hangje’ Cases Through the Perspectives of Epitaphs and Genealogy -Focusing on the Anyang Han Clan of the Song Chi
목차 문화와 예술이 어우러진 행복도시 안양 만안구 : 강득구 의원(더불어민주당, 경기도 안양시만
A Study on the Differentiation and Development Direction of Anyang Citizen Festival Purpose - The purpose of this study is to discuss t
Anyang festival visitor evaluation and area ripple effect analysis 목차 안양시민축제 방문객 평가 및 지역파급효과
A Study on the Link between Public Art and School Education in Local Communities : Focused on ‘Anyang Public Art Project’(APAP) 안
목차 지역문화와 도시공간의 문화전략에 관한 연구 : 안양 지역문화 활성화를 위하여 / 박신자 1 Abst
Oneroom residential dweller's Housing Values and Housing Satisfaction on Anyang Area 본 연구의 목적은 원룸에 거주하는 자
A Study on Brand Building Plan of Anyang Public Art Project(APAP)- Focused on the Brand Myth Building Model - 지역을 기반으로