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Suggestions on how to activate the stay type Ulsan tourism using Big Data Analysis 본 연구는 빅데이터 분석을 활용하여
Paleoseismological Study and Evaluation of Maximum Earthquake Magnitude along the Yangsan and Ulsan Fault Zones in the Southeastern Par
The effect of perceived value of festival visitors on overall satisfaction and behavioral intention - Onggi Expo Ulsan Korea 2010 - The
A Study on the Perception of Ulsan Tourism and the Promotion Plans for the Future through the Analysis of Social Big Data :Focused on C
Industrial Structure and Employment Determinants of Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam 본 연구는 통계청의 경제총조사 및 기업활동
User rate of fluoride-containing toothpaste in Ulsan Metropolitan City 울산, 불소배합세치제, 사용률, fluoride-containing
The study on the Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior of Industrial Workers at Ulsan Province 본 연구는 울산 현대 중공업 근