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전문자료 검색결과 (48,882건) NAVER OpenAPI

Comparison between traditional IPA and revised IPA: An attractiveness evaluation of Incheon Chinatown 본 연구는 중요도와 성취
Developmental process of Incheon Wrestling after Independence from Japanese colony -Centered on Bae-Young Lim,Chang-Sun Jang- 본 연
The Effect of Social-demographic Variables on Locality and Place Attachment in the Incheon Area 본 연구는 인천의 인구사회학
[Forum] Mega-Event and Regional Development - Case of Incheon Metropolitan City 메가이벤트는 기본적으로 국제적인 규모
History of Incheon Public Stadium before independence 본 연구는 광복이전 인천공설운동장의 변천과정을 파악하여
Single Household Characteristics And Social Policy in Incheon Area 본 연구는 인천지역 청년·중년·노년층의 1인가구
The conflict of recognition between South Korean and North Korean refugees : Focused on Incheon City 본 연구의 목적은 인천
Analysis of the Over-Tourism Phenomenon of Incheon Islands Area and Search for Alternative Plans - Focused on Ganghwa-gun, Ongjin-gun -